Taurus:This month expect an eventful month .. You will come up tops in some things, while in some others you may be left feeling that your efforts have not been justly rewarded. Emotionally speaking, the month will be somewhat of a roller-coaster ride; you may want something, but may not be able to express. . Overall, the first fortnight of the month may be quite monotonous pressing you to seriously contemplate a change in the nature of your work. But, the phase will pass soon, and by the second week, events will boost your morale. Your personal life too is likely to follow the same pattern.
Gemini:You can expect a fairly smooth ride in your profession or business this month .. Your superiors are most likely to appreciate your efficiency, especially because you have performed well under pressure. You can also expect to get a good enough cooperation from your co-workers. In your personal life, the going may not be very smooth. You may hardly have any time to spend with your family members, and this may leave you feeling jilted. If you are single, expect some positive developments in your love life.
Cancer:Your hard work in recent times will happily start fetching you the deserved rewards this month.. You are likely to be offered a lucrative job. If this happens you would be advised to grab the offer. . However, make sure you stick to the same nature of work, for if you take up something entirely different, you may not be as successful as you would want to. But, learn that sometimes, it’s best to say no or, better still, express your feelings, as they are. Good thing is that this month you may find yourself in situations, where you would be the centre of attention.
Leo:The first week of the month may not be too favourable for you, and you are likely to feel some lack of confidence in your abilities but be assured that things will gradually improve, as the month progresses. . There would be chances to interact and socialise. Your social circle will grow, as a result of your becoming more gregarious and communicative. On the flip side, the success you experience may go to your head, or, at best, may make you complacent. If you fall into that trap, note that you may become lazy, which in turn can make you overdependent on others. Take care!
Virgo:Your fortunes are likely to sway a bit this month, beginning with a high, then going down and then climbing up again. Early in the month, you are likely to enter into new projects, especially if you are a businessman. The professionals too will perform at their peak around this time. In the second week, however, things will see a distinct drop in momentum. Taken all in all, the entire results of the month will wind up on the positive sideApart from work, there will be socialising, fun parties with friends and you will mostly remain in high spirits. You are advised not to neglect your personal life .
Libra:You may look forward to a professionally hectic month, so much so that you will hardly find time to devote to your personal life. There would be times when you will feel utterly fatigued, but then there will be days, where you will be so sprightly that you will surprise your colleagues and loved ones. The most difficult part, however, would be the fact that things may not go as per your expectations. . Stay prepared and try to curb mental stress. Your financial situation will, at best, be average. Try to look out for opportunities to make a fast buck on the side. Later in the month, there is travel on the cards.
Scorpio:There will be positive developments on your professional front as the month begins You may even be rewarded for your efforts. Don’t nurture very high expectations, though, or you may be left disappointed.. Financial matters may take up a considerable portion of your time. Issues such as taxes, investments, loans will have to be reviewed, and changes made accordingly. However, the time is not suitable for investing more money in the stock market. As for your personal life, there may be some disturbances in the beginning of the month, but the situation will improve gradually.
Sagittarius: You will, need to be extra cautious due to inmical elements around you. Be diplomatic in your words and actions, and behave in a positive manner with everyone. Your keen insight into circumstances surrounding you will help you to solve tricky issues. Because of this skill, the top management will wish to make you an integral part of crucial company meetings and brainstorming sessions. Despite the fact that you are too busy with work, you will be able to balance both your personal and professional life quite well. Both singles and married couples will see their relationships strengthening.
Capricorn: This month, you may realise that you have bitten off more than you can chew. And now you will have so many tasks, both professional and personal, to accomplish within a specified time-frame. And you may have to take a sick leave, which means your work will get delayed anyway. So, the prudent thing would be to start sharing the burden. The positive side is that all the work-load will not affect your personal life too much. Your life in this department shall be rather sorted. Love stars look up too! Towards the end of the month, taking your beloved out for a little vacation would be in order.
Aquarius:This month appears favourable for professionals . You are likely to come across many new job opportunities, but if you happen to be well entrenched in your present job, it would not be advisable to make a switch, even if you feel as if you may have got into a rut. Just try to do things in new ways, be innovative and the boredom will disappear. No big developments are expected if you are a businessman, although in the second fortnight of the month, you may enter into some new contracts. A lot of official travel is on the cards.
Pisces:Professionally, this month you will begin on a low key, mainly because most of your attention will be on your personal life. However, the latter half of the month, your career will take priority. You will be in complete control of the situation at your workplace and work hard to accomplish things in half the time you normally take. Your superiors will be impressed and will surely recommend suitable rewards. On the flip side, don’t expect your personal life to be all perfect. There will be trouble, mainly stemming from your own high expectations from your partner, which is bound to lead to disappointments.